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2023 ASAP European Summit Review

September 25, 2023
2 min read
2023 ASAP European Summit Review

Last week we joined the ASAP community at the Royal Garden Hotel in London to participate in 2 days of thought-provoking content and discussions and to enjoy the many opportunities to network with other attendees.

After a warm welcome from ASAP President and CEO, Mike Leonetti, the conference kicked off with a stimulating discussion on the past, present, and future of alliance management leadership, concluding that it is the leaders and forward-thinking alliance management professionals within the industry that are elevating the profession to the levels it needs to be in the future.

The program then split into two streams and a great day of learning, from hands on masterclasses to informative talks with real-world experiences.

Our highlights from the conference programming that covered a variety of topics including everyday alliance management activities, aspirations and barriers:

  • The Data Speaks: Focus Alliance Management Efforts to Produce Results, a thought-provoking session from Jan Twombly, President of The Rhythm of Business, that explored an alliance manager’s most precious commodity – Time, the activities that monopolize it and how alliance professionals can best spend their time to deliver value.
  • Ard-Pieter de Man’s review of ecosystem orchestration in a digital world.  An in-depth review of the key governance problems in digital ecosystems.  Some interesting insights, and challenging questions.
  • Knut Sturmhoefel, Alliance & Collaboration Advisor, explored ways to increase the value of an alliance; looking at the bigger picture, thinking more strategically and leading the alliance as a general manager, were 3 ways discussed to achieve this.
  • Elena Cavalli, Head of Commercial Alliances, Astellas, guided the group through a challenging look at cultural differences for alliances in a global environment.

The group entered a great discussion during Thursday’s session with Jan Twombly, that saw the audience explore the most important things you need to know about an alliance.  There were some great suggestions from around the room, which we are going to review in our next newsletter.

We enjoyed the opportunity to see the faces that we recognized and many new faces too.  

The team here at allianceboard look forward to seeing many of you in November in Boston, USA, when we are sponsoring ASAP’s signature BioPharma conference.

Feel free to book time with us ahead of or during the conference, or simply stop by our stand to learn more about allianceboard.

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